An update and a new song

Hello friends, family, and loved ones!

It goes without saying that all Three Day Flight events, including the release of our new album "Washed In Wonder", have been canceled and/or postponed until further notice due to COVID-19.  

And what can one say or do at a time like this?  Kristie, in all of her energetic fire and beauty, has managed to keep Imagine somewhat afloat, find solutions for our employees, take care of 5 children, and even find time to stir it up on social media.  She never ceases to amaze me!  I, however, often find myself asking "What do I have to offer at a time like this?"  

For those who don't know us well, I have often said that Kristie is the "prophet" and I am the "mystic".  By that, I mean that Kristie has this beautiful ability to boldly say and/or do what needs to be said/done in ways that bring about justice.  Whereas, I tend to turn inward, seeking a spiritual path to discover ways to bring about unity, healing, peace, and love.  She uses most of her energy on "doing" while I work at "being".  Thus, we try to balance each other like a song: "Do - Be - Do - Be - Do" 🙂

Sometimes, when I struggle to find practical ways to share the fruit of my inner journey with others, the path can feel a bit selfish.  Particularly at times like these.  It is a big part of why I write songs and play music. It is my sincere hope that the songs I share with the world can somehow bring this unity, healing, peace, and love into the lives of others.

Thus, while we are having to postpone the completion of our new album, I have been searching for a way to offer something meaningful to the world.  And in my search, I heard a song.  Indeed, I could say that I "wrote" a song, but it feels more accurate and honest to say that I heard it.  Not with my ears, but somewhere deep inside.  Much like one "hears" a familiar song or a familiar voice somewhere within, yet without having to audibly/physically hear it.  It may sound crazy, but it is true... I "heard" this song as if some One was singing it directly to me... and as if that some One wanted me to sing it to you.

The song is called "The Reason", and you can listen to a live recording at the following link:

Though it was recorded live at home without any editing or production, it is all I have to offer at this point.  I sincerely hope that you will find it meaningful, and that it may carry some light, healing, and love into your lives.

Much love to all of you,
