All Of The Tears We Cry

All Of The Tears We Cry

"All Of The Tears We Cry" will be the name of Volume 3 of "Washed In Wonder". It is a line from one of the songs that will be included in Volume 3. The song is called "She Needed You", and will be released as a single very soon. The line "All Of The Tears We Cry" was chosen as the title for this Volume because it captures the overall essence and theme expressed by this group of songs.

Yes, you're right... that does mean that these are the sad songs. Yet, as with most of our songs, they are hopeful. Even the darkest song in this collection points toward hope by inviting the listener to "choose Love" "in spite of not knowing". That song, entitled "Not Knowing", is the darkest song I have ever written, because it was part of my way of dealing with losing my grandmother, Lou Lou, to a decade long battle with Alzheimer's disease. The song begins in the utter darkness of questioning and doubt, yet it leads us all to the difficult task of finding and choosing hope... even in our darkest moments.

All of these songs were born during a season of back to back struggles: losing Lou Lou, being involved in an accident that caused our entire family to experience varying degrees of trauma, losing a baby to the tragedy of a miscarriage, almost losing our first baby boy at birth and struggling with the challenges of his possible ongoing developmental disabilities, and more. Still, even in this season of struggle, our family is rooted in a Love that holds everything, literally everything, together. It not only holds us together, it makes us stronger than the struggle.

Gratefulness has been one of the fruits of this Love: grateful for the life and love that Lou Lou shared with us, grateful that our family survived the accident and healed from the trauma together, grateful that Kristie and I have co-created so many beautiful healthy children to share our lives with, grateful that our son, Aidan, survived a difficult start and continues to grow and experience this gift of life with us, etc.

And when we are honest and vulnerable enough to admit it... that is really what life is all about. We will experience seasons of struggle and pain, and we will experience seasons of laughter and light. Up and down; hot and cold; Yin and Yang. These are the building blocks of experience and , thus, the stuff that makes life... life. And that is the soil where these songs were born. The soil is this life that will bring us various seasons and experiences of joy and loss, pain and pleasure, trust and doubt. Yet, when rooted in the Love that holds everything together, hope grows in this soil and arises from the ash of all that we hold with open hands. Light finds its way through the very cracks that we despise. "All Of The Tears We Cry" become the salty water of purification that heal us as we are "Washed In Wonder".

Love and gratitude,