Black Lives Matter

As a person who spent so much of my life identifying as a "Christian", earning a degree in Theology, working at various churches, etc., I feel strongly compelled to say something to my human sisters and brothers who still identify as "Christians":

 Black Lives Matter.  

As a "Christian" (or even a decent human being, in fact) this should not be up for question or debate.  If you say, "all lives matter", my response would be: "no doubt!"... that is exactly why it is important to affirm that Black Lives Matter when they are being murdered and oppressed.

Speaking of Black Lives being murdered and oppressed, it might be helpful to reflect on this:  

Jesus was a Black man who was brutally beaten and murdered by white (Roman) police officers.  He and his circle of friends intentionally broke some of the unjust and oppressive laws of their day.  Some were even shocked when Jesus, a non-violent activist,  "looted" by walking into their temple, turning over tables, setting the animals free (which was their primary source of income), and ultimately disrupting business as normal.   However, we should not be surprised by this behavior.  Especially when Jesus had already said things like "You cannot love both God and money".  He knew well that the love of money always leads to and is fueled by oppression.  

And Jesus also said "Whatever you do or do not do unto those who are oppressed, you have done it or not done it to me."

So, if you identify as a "Christian", please be honest and ask yourself a few important questions: do I stand with Jesus, the Black man who was oppressed, wrongly accused, beaten, and murdered?  Or, do I stand with those in power (religious or political) and privilege who oppress, wrongly accuse, beat, and murder Black Lives? Do I stand with Jesus, who broke unjust laws and "looted" businesses to unmask oppression, or do I stand with those in power and privilege who accuse him/them of wrong doing?  Do I follow Christ or Trump?  Do I love God or money?  Jesus said it is impossible to love both...  

Much love,
